We stand against: war, militarism; the arms trade; the reliance on hard power in international relations; interventionism both military and neoliberally economic; the maintenance of immoral and artificial national boundaries; the disproportionate spending on useless military expenditure in times of ideological spending cuts; the idea that anti-militarism is in some way impractical or naive; and above all the State and its claimed monopoly over legitimate violence.
We stand for: peace, co-operation; international mediation and diplomatic solutions to conflict; the divestment of all educational institutions from the arms trade; the decommissioning (forceful if required, but not violent) of all stages of the arms trade; and above all removal of the causes of all violent conflicts, which is to say all varieties of oppression, results of the class divisions created by monetary and profit-based economics.
We stand in solidarity with: all anti-militarist and pacifist groups and activists within a broad diversity of tactics, including especially Oxford Anti-War Action, SmashEDO, War Resisters International, the Peace Tax Seven, Bradley Manning and others too numerous to mention; anti-cuts and No Borders activists; and all anarchist, grassroots democratic, and libertarian communist groups working to create alternative institutions and smash those which currently encumber and divide the human race.
Photos to follow.
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