From here (OCSET 1).. here (OCSET 3, eviction day).. here (OARC!)
..because we do :-)
Now we are celebrating 5 years of OARC with a week of birthday events!
Sat 24th - 12-4pm
*** Drop-in session ***
Find out more about OARC, see the space, meet some of the people involved.
Sun 25th - 4pm-7pm
*** 'OARC: Where Next?' discussion + meal ***
Learn about OARC's history, get involved in shaping its future.
Sun 25th - 7:30pm
*** Film: Estrategia del Caracol ***
Solidarity, survival and satire in the Colombian city of Bogota.

Tues 27th - 6:30pm
*** Play!Fight! discussion ***
A discussion of kinky sexuality and its interaction with radical activism.

Wed 28th - 7pm
*** Community meal and games ***
Tasty vegan food, good company, fun games + the 'activist pub quiz'.
Thurs 29th - 5pm-8pm
*** Drop-in session ***
Find out more about OARC, see the space, meet some of the people involved.
Fri 30th - 7pm-late
*** Birthday Party! ***
A celebration of 5 years of OARC!
OARC is upstairs at E. Oxf. Community Centre, Cowley Rd, OX4 1HU.

All welcome! See:

...for more details!
A Brief history of OCSET / LOG / OARC:
OCSET One (Cowley Rd social centre 06/04/04-07/05/04):

OCSET Two (temporary location, May 2004):

OCSET Three (St Clements social centre 19/05/04-04/06/04):

LOG (rented house - mixed resisidential/social space):
Between November 2004 and March 2005 the project got some funding and experimented with a rented house, which was half used as meeting/social centre and half occupied by residents. There are no articles from this time because we had to keep it fairly quiet that it was being used as anything other than a residential house. We decided that it didn't work well to mix private space and social centre space in this way, though the place continued as a big communal activist house.
OARC opens! (March/April 2005):