* Captain of the Rant in the studio live with spoken word and poetry to make you think;
* Words from women peace activists from the Aldermaston Big Blockade;
* NoBorders with the latest on the autonomous space in Calais, police repression and the future;
* Free Workers Union (FAU) on their struggle to organise at the New Babylon Cinema;
* The usual tunes, prisoner support info, banter, bollocks; and
* DJ Colonel Gaddafi with some revolutionary tunes straight outta the Green Book.
So check it! Click on this URL to download and/or listen to the show:

Also check out the show page here:

And remember, we're live every first and third Friday of the month - you can also find links to the lie broadcast on our website and the front page of IMC London.
Check out our archive too:

Happy listening,