important reprieve in their battle to save the lakes from being destroyed and to
have them declared a Town Green, preventing future development.
At the time, the inspectors report into the Town Green application stated that whlst
they pretty much fulfilled all the criteria necessary in his "expert opinion of the
law" (?!) they should not be granted town green status! The council were set to
vote in November on the basis of this recommendation, but at the last minute,
another barrister stated that there was significant grounds to doubt and question
this opinion (factual errors in the report, significant evidence disregarded,
misunderstandings of the law etc) and that he felt the recommendation should be in
favour of town green status.
The council therefore decided to delay a decision pending further investigation.
The Town Green Application will again come before the Council for their decision on
whether to grant town green status or not this monday. It is important that every
effort be made to ensure a positive response, not only as that will ensure the
safety of what has been described as the most valuable bird habitat in Oxfordshire,
and is home to a number of endangered and protected species, as well as being
beautiful, but it will also set a good precedent for future Town Green applications,
such as Warneford Meadows.
In the face of current council activity in Oxford Town Centre in terms of their
approach to the environment, it is vital that we make clear our support for this
issue and environmental concerns in general.
People, banners, music, film makers, reporters all welcome!