the West Bank this summer. It is open to all, and if any of you have
not had the chance to visit Palestine, this might be for you.
Sean at Bristol Uni (

07906 756453) is more than happy to answer any questions about the trip.
(English, Arabic, Hebrew) meeting community leaders and activists in
Palestine's cities, refugee camps and villages to learn firsthand what
the occupation means. The emphasis will be on meeting people rather than
seeing sights, although you cannot avoid seeing the wall, the
checkpoints, the house demolitions, the army, and the way in which all
of these shape people's daily lives. We will also be going to an Israeli
settlement inside the west Bank, to meet the people who live there and
hear how they live and what they feel about the controversy which
surrounds their new homes.
After the tour, we can help those who wish to stay in finding
humanitarian or political (voluntary) work for as long as they are able
to stay.
The precise dates can be tailored to suit the needs of the group, July
and September are both possibilities and if there is enough demand, then
two trips could be organized. Similarly, the per-person cost will vary
according to how many people go (although there is a ceiling of 10 per
group), but previous trips have cost in the region of £550 for a month
all in (inc. flight).