Are you tired of humdrum protests and bored of capitalism?
Do you want to ridicule authority using ingeniously stupid tactics and
silly wigs?
Then you should join the CIRCA and train in the ancient arts of
clowning and nonviolent direct action.
You don't need to like clowns or soldiers you just need to love
laughter as much as you love rebellion.
Come along to the Clown Army taster session run by complete
When? 17th May, 7pm-9pm
Where? Oxford Action Resource Centre - East Oxford Community
Centre, Cowley Road
Numbers are limited so please let us know if you plan on joining us by

Operation H.A.H.A.H.A.A - CIRCA at the G8!
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) Communiqué number 8 and a half Announcing the start of Operation H.A.H.A.H.A.A (Helping Authorities House Arrest Half-witted Authoritarian Androids). — 01.04.05
To freedom loving citizens of the world, ladies and gentlemen of the press, members of the law enforcement forces, neighbours, fellow motley rebels and comrade clowns everywhere,
The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) has been giggling uncontrollably since we heard about a unique opportunity arising amidst the sadness of the world. For three sweet Scottish summer days (July 6-8), we will be given a extraordinary chance to put an end to the misery of injustice, an end to the violence of greed and war, an end to the destruction of our lives and planet by those who priorities money over love, life and laughter.
The leaders of the eight richest realms have their own exclusive and very important little club known as the G8, where they plan cunning ways to keep big corporations and very rich people very happy. This July the they are coming to the Gleneagles luxury hotel, where they will pretend to sort out the problems of our planet while drinking chilled champagne, eating scrumptious banquets, playing genteel rounds of golf, renewing their vows to the gods of the market and of course, refusing to see that their solutions to global problems are actually part of the problem.
CIRCA has always dreamt of getting the most dangerous men in the world together in one place (our big top ?), distracting them with tea, cakes and silly games and then building big fences around them so they couldn't escape. We think we would all be a lot safer without the likes of George Bush, Tony Blair, Silvio Berlusconi, Vladimir Putin and Jacques Chirac loose in the world. But even if we had got them into our big top we would never have been able to afford very tall sparkling fences toped with shinny razor wire or have thousands of policemen on hand in spanking new outfits with exciting toys like Belgian water cannons (oh! - sigh Š Rebel clowns, drool at the thought of playing with one of those) to keep guard and make sure they didn't break out.
This summer our dream will come true thanks to the great efforts of half of Scotland's police force who have kindly volunteered to build special high fences and enclose these dangerous men in a safe place where they will no longer be a threat to the world. To celebrate this propitious event, CIRCA is launching operation H.A.H.A.H.A.A (Helping Authorities House Arrest Half-witted Authoritarian Androids) during which we will do everything we can to help the security forces keep the G8 under indefinite house arrest (or rather luxury hotel arrest).
Realising that the G8 are wily men and will develop ingenious ways of escaping, CIRCA has decided to open up its War and Strategic Planning Room (WSPR), located in the bowels of the Glasgow's Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) to members of the public (and especially fellow rebels) to help us plan equally ingenious ways to keep the G8 in. (WSPR will be open from 25th March - 13th May).
We invite you all to the WSPR, where you will find very big maps of Gleaneagles and thousands of toy CIRCA soldiers to help you plot and play at enclosing the G8. We encourage you to let your imagination run wild - think of spectacular slapstick manoeuvres (CIRCA expects to deploy a thousand troops on this operation), design imaginative barricades and checkpoints, think up silly tactics to give a big hand to the authorities besieging the G8 including nice presents to make their job less boring. When you have dreamt up your plots, enter them in our Big Book of Ingenious Ideas, (BBII) which will be taken back to CIRCA H.Q to be browsed and fingered by hundreds of excited clowns preparing for operation H.A.H.A.H.A.A.
If all the plotting has made you crave absurd adventure, then why not join up? CIRCA is actively recruiting throughout the spring with our "Ridiculous Recruitment Tour 2005" visiting 9 cities across the UK with the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination. You could take part in our Basic Rebel Clown Training (BRCT) and before you know you will have deserted the desperate culture of cynicism, found your clown, armed it with love and become part of the world's most affectionate army.
Yours in nonsense, noses and naughtiness and for a less stupid world without war on people or the planet
Love (because that's what they have forgotten about)
General Anaesthetic
Lownlands Regiment, 23rd Idiots Brigade.
P.S. Oh! and if you thought there wasn't any point remember they are 8 we are 6 billion.