We have places left on our shooting video intensive course which is only £15 to those on benefits. Pass on to friends or family who might be interested. Details below.
best wishes
Richard Duriez
OFVM (oxford film & video makers) Centre for Film + Digital Media
For Course Enquiries Tel: 01865 792732
Shooting Video Intensive. Your first step into video production.
Cost : £15 to those on benefit (Proof of receipt of benefit required, you must also be over 18, be an EU citizen and have an "OX" postcode.)
This introduction to video making covers the whole process of video production, from the initial idea, through to a finished film. The course is designed for those wishing to make their first step into video production. The five students will be given a written brief to produce a short documentary video on a subject based in the East Oxford area. They will then work together to develop the documentary idea, shoot it on our digital camera, and then edit the film with Adobe Premiere computer software.
This course is accredited by The Open College Network - registered by Abingdon & Witney College.
Course Tutor: Zuleika Kingdon
This daytime course runs over 6 days and classes take place at OFVM from 10.30am to 3pm.
Mon to Wed
14th, 15th, 16th, 21st, 22nd & 23rd June 04
COURSE OUTLINE: *Course content may change according to participant’s needs
DAY 1. Monday
Screening of previous course work and related films & videos. Introduction to video production and first look at the video cameras. Shooting scripts and storyboarding. Camera shot types and camera movements developing ideas for shoot discussing ideas on form, style and content.
DAY 2. Tuesday
The use of sound, looking at the various ways sound can enhance a video. Sound recording and practice with microphones. Practice shoot with equipment and lighting. Finalise storyboards, shooting script, production schedule and production arrangements for the shoot.
DAY 3. Wednesday
The group will go out onto location to shoot their production. During the shoot every member of the group rotates production roles, taking it in turns to direct, operate the camera, set up the lights and sound record, etc.
DAY 4. Monday.
Viewing of rushes, logging and creating and edit decision list. Introduction to the Adobe Premiere edit suite, digitising the picture and sound rushes, setting up your project and beginning the edit.
DAY 5. Tuesday.
Finish the picture edit and begin the sound track make up plus adding graphics for titling.
DAY 6. Wednesday.
Completion of fine cut edit and final sound track mixing and making up of edit master. On completion there will be screening of the finished video in which the students will then be able to discuss the results with the tutor.
All work produced on OFVM courses receives at least one public screening, usually in the following term to the course, at the Zodiac Night-club on Cowley Rd.
The OCN qualification is particularly useful in helping individuals get onto GNVQ or BTEC advanced media courses at local Colleges of Further Education. For details on these courses locally phone Abingdon and Witney College on 01235 555585 or Oxford College on 01865 245871.
Alternatively you may be interested in further training at OFVM and specializing in one particular area. We offer more advanced courses in, Scriptwriting, Digital Editing, 16mm Film, and Animation. Please see the OFVM web site or ask your tutor for more details.
Students in the past have also used their experience of training to help them get onto Media related courses in Higher Education, or to get work experience in the film & television industry.
If you are looking for work experience on film productions try www.shootingpeople.org
If you can't find the sort of course you are looking for give us a ring. We can offer personal tuition on equipment or structure courses, projects and workshops especially for groups either at OFVM or off-site.
At the end of the course everyone will receive a VHS copy of your finished video and - after moderation of the work produced - a certificate from the Open College Network equivalent to a NVQ2 or GNVQ intermediate. The certificate can often take some time to be issued.
All students are registered with Abingdon and Witney College and are entitled to use the library and all student services of the college including free Internet access. You will be given leaflets on the first day of your course explaining this in more detail and you will be asked to fill out a Abingdon & Witney Learner Agreement. To receive a Student (N.U.S.) card you must bring two passport photographs and a £5 fee to the first lesson only, where you will be issued with the card.
Contact Abingdon Campus 01235 555585 Northcourt Rd, Abingdon, Oxford OX14 1NN
Contact Witney Campus 01993 703464 Holloway Rd, Witney, Oxford OX28 6NE.
Oxford Film and Video Makers was established in 1987 and offers training, production support and screening opportunities to people in and around Oxford. OFVM is run on a non-profit making basis by a group of local independent filmmakers
Oxford Film & Video makers
The Old Boxing Club
54 Catherine St
01865 792731
01865 792732

Oxford Film + Video Makers is a registered charity No:1041014