OCSET is re-born!
On 18th May Oxford's social centre moved to a beautiful new location
Report and pictures
Hunt saboteur wins case against the police
On 11th May a Reading hunt sab won a £5,500 pay out from Wiltshire police for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment Report
Caterkillar wins "Homewrecker of the Year" award
On 12th May bulldozer manufacturer Caterpillar was presented with the first annual Homewrecker of the Year Award, for its outstanding contribution to the fields of home demolition, collective punishment, land theft and ethnic cleansing. However, company reps were strangely modest about their towering achievements in helping to build Israel's apartheid wall and destroying Palestinian homes, and refused the award.
Report and pictures | Follow-up action
Free the Oxford Two Demo May 15th
A protest demanded the release of two rhesus macaque monkeys tortured for 15 years in Oxford University's Department of Experimental Psychology. Paranoia was rife among university authorities.
Report on hysteria and background
Afghanistan: Pessimism and Torture
Another insightful report from our regular correspondent Paul.
Report and pictures
The Wall Must Fall!
Oxford people joined the Palestine Solidarity Campaign demo in Trafalgar Square on May 15th.
Photos and report
The New OCSET Squat