opportunity for people in Oxford to see "The Battle of Algiers" - Gillo
Pontecorvo's classic film about the Algerian struggle for national
liberation. It will be screened at the Ultimate Picture Palace at 1.00pm and
entry is £5.00.
Secondly, the film itself must be seen. It is one of the all time classics of political cinema. You can find information about it at

"Just when I thought I was starting to hate every movie in sight, I had the amazing privilege to watch "the Battle Of Algiers"…"
"…It is a brilliantly constructed political film. One should be aware that it is a political statement by the director and the writer on the necessity of struggle and the striving for freedom on the part of an entire people. It has a definite viewpoint…"
"This film is thrilling, heartbreaking, thought-provoking, and beautiful - sometimes by turns and sometimes all at once. If you haven't seen it and it shows up anywhere in the vicinity, drop everything and go…"
"Watching this at my university cinema, I was electrified and quite unable to move as the terrible, entirely true story was honestly told…"