If we see gross injustice and do nothing are we complicit by inaction?
Hope you can find time this weekend or Monday to take this action to support the people of West Papua. For 42 years they have suffered under the Indonesian military, with the media excluded. In this last week the official Indonesian HR body has reported that after a supposed break-in to an arms store a few months back, 7 000 people have been kept from their food gardens.
The UK govt supports Rio Tinto's mining involvement and BP's huge new liquid gas project there, but not the West Papuans' right to justice, development, self determination, or freedom from military violence.
For more information, visit

28 November 2003
This message has two parts: national action for today; and details of the
West Papua solidarity event in London on Monday.
* National action *
Monday, 1 December 2003, is the 42nd anniversary of the 1961 West Papuan
Declaration of Independence from Dutch colonial rule, West Papua
Independence Day. In West Papua people mark the day in a variety of ways,
including raising the ‘Morning Star’ (the West Papuan flag). In previous
years the Indonesian military and police have responded to this with
increased violent oppression - arresting and killing those they perceive as
‘pro-independence’ activists.
We have received information that again this year the West Papuan people
have been told that they must not mark the day, and it is likely that when
they do, the Indonesian authorities will react with extreme violence.
Please take the time today, over the weekend, or on Monday to do the following:
Telephone, fax, write or email the Indonesian Embassy -
Dr Juwono Sudarsono,
Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, 38, Grosvenor Square,
Telephone: (020) 7499 7661
(020) 7935 1616 Commercial Attaché's Office
0891 171 210 Consular Department
Fax: (020) 7491 4993
(020) 7935 0034 Commercial Attaché's Office
(020) 7491 4993 Consular Department

- points you could make include: that the eyes of the world are on the Indonesian authorities and their actions in West Papua, particularly on Monday 1 December; that
the people of West Papua have the right to peacefully express their aspirations for self-determination on Monday (and every other day of the year); and ask for a guarantee that there be no violent response from the Indonesian armed forces or police in West Papua.
Telephone, fax, write or email Tony Blair and Jack Straw and your own MP urge them to contact the Indonesian authorities to make the same points as those
outlined above.
Contact details: Tony Blair MP, Prime Minister,
Tel. 0207 930 4433
Fax. 020 7925 0918
email via

Jack Straw MP, Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs,
Tel :Main switchboard/General enquiries:
020 7008 1500
020 7270 3000
Fax : 020 7008 0155
It is very helpful if you can send us a copy of any message, fax, or letter
you send (and of any replies you receive) or a summary of any telephone
conversation to: West Papua Association - UK (WPA-UK), 64, Bigland Street, London E1 2ND . Tel: 020 7265 9307 Email:

Oxford Papuan Rights Campaign is planning a West Papua Independence Day "party" outside the Indonesian Embassy, 38, Grosvenor Square, London W1X 9AD
West Papua support groups around the world have decided to mark Papuan Independence Day in our own countries --- as a gesture of solidarity with the Papuan people in their struggle for freedom and to let the Indonesian authorities (and our own governments) know that the world is watching how they deal with Independence Day protesters in West Papua itself.
Please join us outside the Embassy from 3 to 4pm on Monday - look out for the ‘Morning Star’ which will be flying in solidarity with the people of West Papua, and
all those around the world who are marking the day; there will be leaflets
with more information on West Papua.
A group of us will be travelling from Oxford to London by coach, meeting at Gloucester Green coach station at 1.00pm.
If there is any way possible you could make it on Monday, please can you e-mail

Please also pass this message on to anyone you know who may be interested.
Free West Papua ! Papua Merdeka ! Free West Papua ! Papua Merdeka !
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