On the October 10th and 11th, the Oxford University Freshers' Fair was held in the Examination School, where groups, societies and clubs can have a stall to explain what they do and what they are to new students. Many social justice and anti corporate globalization groups had stalls, and found that many new students were very interested in getting involved in different parts of the movement.
For example, around 350 (which is a lot! :-) new students signed up to get involved with the newly formed Oxford Student Activist Network (
http://www.osan.org.uk ), which is meant to be a decentralised and non-hierarchical network, an open space for students to do radical politics and organize actions on different issues ranging from peace, corporate globalization, environmental issues, etc. The first meeting of this network will be next Wednesday at 8pm. Hopefully many people will turn up, as Bush is coming to London soon...
Many other groups were also present: People and Planet, Survival, Narmada Campaign, Habitat for Humanity, etc. Oxford indymedia was also sharing the stall with the Oxford Student Activist Network. Tons of leaflets have been distributed, while the ideas behind the global indymedia network and its local node in Oxford were explained. Students were very interested in the creation of this new alternative media center in Oxford, and many said they would use the website and get involved in the free media revolution!
Resistance is fertile!
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