Andrew Smith looked after his career and supported the war but condemning racism does not have the same potential political problems so hopefully he will stand up against racism. He is MP for East Oxford which is multi racial and multicultural. If he does not condemn racism what will that say to his constituents?
At 7.30pm Friday 29th August he is talking to Amnesty at the Pauling Centre for Human Sciences, 58 Banbury Rd which is an opportunity to ask him about his reaction to racism as well as his support of the war.
Dear Mr Andrew Smith,
The new asylum centre in Bicester has caused a lot of racism and the BNP are trying to gain support on the back of peoples fears and are spreading hatred. With respect I request you make clear emphatic statements in the local press and radio condemning racism. I believe this will have a positive impact.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Greening