I was one of over a 1,000 protesters from all walks of life that gathered outside the Oxford Union debating club on Monday of this week to try and stop it from hosting a “forum” featuring two leading Nazis.
Stamp them out!
The atmosphere at the protest was electric as people thronged around the Union building, arguing with those trying to attend the meeting. The air was full of real political debate – in sharp contrast to the superficial rituals that the Union prides itself on.
See full report >
Posted By Alison Leslie to Window on the World:
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01.12.2007 17:39
Write your own report then
03.12.2007 23:01
why don't you
05.12.2007 00:37
For starters there were not over 1000 antifascists there were a few hundred students and about 100 antifascist from here and there, mostly just trots having a bit of a chant.
Its typical SWP style hyperbole that ruins a fucking decent enough event by trying to make everything look like its been snowing gold flake. Fuck off, just tell the truth - if your doing the business it will speak for itself.
Respect to the Oxbridge students for taking things further than expected, i hope you have learned to win the arguments for no platform as well as winning the procedures on the day.
fuck off richard
lord snot
05.12.2007 16:34