Protesters blocked the gate
Few peopul got in
The gate was locked with most of the audeance outside
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Free speech
27.11.2007 14:28
Winston Smith
Free Speech? No Platform their asses!
27.11.2007 15:05
Big Brother
sample letters from bbc hys website i have to say i agree with them
27.11.2007 15:55
To all the protesters who didn't want last night's event to take place: will you be protesting the same way when someone wanting to deny the rights of women and wishing to see a country wiped off the map is invited?
Something tells me the vast majority won't, which tells you all you need to know about the bleeding heart, PC liberal state of our country today.
Free speech means just that - I'll make my mind up what my views are after listening to any extreme set of views I see fit.
didnt see you guys outside finsbury mosque did you get lost?
Any1giving nationalsocialists the main platform to discuss freedom of speech wi
27.11.2007 16:42
Didnt see you there did we? you went to Finsbury,wow!
No it seems you cheer on the so called war on Terror & protest those scapegoated nutters like Hamza who is the kindred spirit of Griffin.
Meanwhile over 6million die in Afghanistan &Iraq since 1991.
Why do so many wanna be nazi dictators have one eye or one ball?
In war most of the isms have been funded & used by bankers to play us off against each other escpecially fascism,
has anarchism?
all anarchists oppose war,
anarchists uphold freedom of speech in word & deed,
everyone sane or mentally over 16 knows fascists like Griffin & Hamza are unevolved shite on the colon of humanity.
remember Catalonia before you blubber Winston,
Ray winston
no platform for fascists
27.11.2007 19:06
Here is a link to redwatch, the website step up to hound anti racists or also people who they will get revenge on when they are in power. I went specifically to the page where are they now? at the top of the page the nazi brag about the death of anti nazi league member blair peach who was killed by police.
The BNP aren't to up on freedom of speech when they have beat up people who have being handing out anti fascist material. The mainstream media gives the BNP an easy time while demonising the left. The BNP would say they have the right to freedom of speech, yet what about the rights of the black, asian, jewish, gay, disabled, socialist and trade unionists who the BNP threaten and utlimately want to kill. Should we let the BNP march through a predominately black area and intimidate people because they should have the right to protest.This is not a abstract moral argument, it is a tactical argument, if the BNP are allowed to grow and be perceived as a viable party everyone one on this site would feel the consequences.
If the oxford union believe in freedom of speech will they be inviting any representatives of Al Qaida to talk about 9/11, of course not it would be offensive, and the person who did the talk would get locked up on anti terror charges, however the BNP who support a "holocaust type solution" to the "problems of britain" are given freedom of speech.
Speech should not be used to threatern or intimidate others, if i said i wanted to kill someone i would be in trouble with the police, whereas a party that wants to kill a whole section of society would not recieve the same punishment.
here's a link to UAF, that might outline the no platform policy better than me.
Regarding left wing dictorships (which doesn't really make sense), nearly all dictorships have not been left wing think about the history of most countries and the dictorships which are called monarchy's, or the fascist dictorships of hitler, franco, pinochet etc the difference is people such as myself and others on this site view china, north korea etc as bad, whereas the BNP think hitlers regime was good. Simple
27.11.2007 20:16
Lucky Yin
Wrong again Redwatch
28.11.2007 00:16
Bad tactics
29.11.2007 21:51