Didcot Power station
Didcot banner close up
Didcot Power station
Didcot banner close up
Climate change activists occupy Didcot power station
July 18th 2006: For immediate release
Early this morning activists from climate change pressure group Reclaim Power occupied a lighting tower at Didcot power station in Oxfordshire. Three climbers scaled the tower and unfurled a 50-foot orange and black banner with the words 'Climate Crime'. They plan to remain there for several hours in a peaceful but visually dramatic action to highlight the role of coal-fired power stations in climate change.
Lyn Barth from Reclaim Power said, “This is a shot across the bows for the coal industry. Coal produces more greenhouse gases than any other form of electricity generation. The future isn’t in fossil fuels or nuclear. The future is in reducing our energy consumption and sustainable alternative energy. Otherwise we leave a legacy of destruction to our children.”
Campaigners are concerned that the government and companies like the owners of Didcot power station, RWE/npower, are failing to take serious action on climate change.
Ms Barth continued: “It is up to individuals to force them to stop their emissions before the planet reaches a catastrophe.”
This is not the first time Didcot has been targeted by protestors against climate change. The action against Didcot is part of a series of actions, which include the publicly announced occupation planned for Britain’s largest coal power station, Drax in Yorkshire, during the Camp for Climate Action.
1. This action was carried out by autonomous activists in support of climate campaign group Reclaim Power (www.reclaimpower.org.uk).
For further information contact: 0794 458 6036 or

The climbers may be reached on the following mobiles: 07856 551 479 & 07856 551 480.
2. Didcot A power station (owned by German transnational RWE who also own npower in the UK) burns around 3.7m tonnes of coal a year (from company leaflet 'Didcot Power Stations') and produces around 4.9m tonnes of CO2 (Friends of the Earth, 2004). Recently Didcot A power station came under fire for seeking to disposing of ash by-products from coal burning in environmentally sensitive areas – in particular from Save Radley Lakes campaigners (www.saveradleylakes.org.uk). For more information see

3. Reclaim Power is calling for mass direct action at Drax power station in North Yorkshire on 31st August. Drax is the largest single emitter of greenhouse gases in the UK
4. Reclaim Power is part of the Camp for Climate Action (26th August-4th September), creating grassroots solutions to climate change through ten days of actions, education, networking and skill-sharing. For more information see www.climatecamp.org.uk
5, On 10th July activists in the USA blockaded a coal power station in Clinch River, Carbo, Virginia. For more information see

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climate camp here we come
18.07.2006 12:05
Good work
18.07.2006 14:16
surprisingly possible
18.07.2006 15:58
well timed action - great!
18.07.2006 20:42
Rock on Reclaim Power :)
Osmia Rufa
Nice one : )
19.07.2006 16:26
Protests increase CO2 UK output
03.11.2006 00:20
The sooner that you realise that infact Didcot is CO2 efficient station burning Bio Mass and recycles the ash waste in the UK building industry.
Nuclear Power is the future for lower UK CO2 emissions and if you want to be able to switch your lights on whenever you like.
Yours CO2RUS
09.07.2007 12:50
And then there’s "green" power. Hydroelectricity, fair enough if you can fork out for it. But wind and solar simply do not cut it. Didcot A running at full capacity produces as much power as EVERY SINGLE wind turbine in the UK combined. If you don't mind a few turbines every single square mile over the entire of the UK, fine. But what happens when the wind levels drop for a couple of weeks? The lights go out, and mothballed power stations are thrown haphazardly into full swing.
Nuclear and CCGT (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine) is the way forward. You can’t even tell Didcot B is running, that’s how clean the emissions are. No ash, no particulates, no dust, less Nox, Co, and sulphurous emissions.
Ah well. No one will listen until electricity rationing comes in, and the lights start going out…