parliment just voted in ID cards
Dont forget your wood
bring the wood of your favorite tree. Oak, beech, hornbeam. ash, willow, pine, hawthorn, maple, plain, sycamore, holly,
Time 6:00 pm
Title 400th Anniversary of the gunpower plot
Location Hampstead Heath, Parliment hill
Speaker Guy Fawkes, Robin Hood, Bodica, Dick Turpin
Phone Contact 007
Topic / Issue Elections & Democracy
Sponsor T.H.E.M.
November 5th 2005 Special Event
Time 7:00 pm - 11:00 -
Title 400 anniversary of the gun powder plot on PARLIAMENT HILL
Location Hampstead
Speaker Bodica, Robin Hood and Dick Turpin
Topic / Issue Elections & Democracy
Sponsor T.H.E.M. (the human emancipation movement)
For the 400th anniversary of the gunpowder plot we will commemorate Guy Fawkes and consider the health of Parliament Today from one of Londons best viewing platforms, (otherwise known as kite hill)PARLIAMENT HILL. NOV 5th. Hampstead heath train, Hampstead Tube, Gospel Oak train. Its in a big park, it will be dark, and possibly wet, be prepared.
Catch the Oxford to London X90 and take public transport to hampstead. Or take a van or truck with wood and wheel barrows.
BRING FIRE WOOD : D I Y : Parliament so bring speeches. and wigs
and kites and musical instruments and flaskes of drink, and munchies and cameras and your friends, halloween stuff if you like, and star maps, and revolutionary ideas, and flags, oh yes
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How to get to the fire
20.10.2005 14:29
M1 gospel oak, behing the lido: dress as clowns 7:45pm
M2 Hampstead Heath Station, by the first duck pond: good access for wheel barrows 7:30
M3 vague site, whre there is space to holler and whoop: the noisy brigade, bring instruments 7:30
M4 Hampstead Tube station, White Stone Pond: Cycle cavelry 7:30
M5 Dick Turpins , dress in cloaks, wear masks 7:15pm
M6 Kenwood House lawn (south of the building) : meet at 7pm for a long walk across beautiful terrain, bring flame torches
M7 Highgate side of the Heath (west of the ponds): Fire twirlers meet here 7:45
M8 Parliment Hill School side (west of the tennis courts): Flags of the world, for open air parliament meet 7:30pm leave by 7:45pm
X Final destination, aim for 8pm arrival, light fire, form a circle, around the fire, build the fire throu7gh the nigh, let the flames speak, dance, hold the site, remember and be strong. Parliament is a mixed blessing, and needs to have limits to its power or it will become more corrupt.
If we are still on the hill by dawn, we will hold an open air parliament
mixed blessing
24.10.2005 16:32
I strongly believe in 'Freedom of Speach', which is already at serious risk. We all know that BBC only reports what it is allowed to but freedom of speach has also been lost at oxford indymedia, who have lost 'or hidden in a place where it cannot be found' a seemingly innocuous article by Feeler titled, 'Have I found the answer?' and posted 21 Sept. People have been trying to find it and to find out why it was removed over the past few weeks. IMC have (at last) told us where to find the hidden postings but some of us have looked without sucess. One person even went through many pages, listing the numbers and asking IMC why it is not where they insist it is.
The weekend seemed to be housekeeping time and any comments referring to the missing article have been tidied away.
So now everything looks spick and span. Who would guess that IMC had done anything wrong? Keep clearing up the spills and denying everything and all will be well. You have learnt well from 'our' politians (or was it emenem?). You will go far on this lava flow of power which is corrupting you.
woman in black
Map of parliament hill and Hampstead heath
04.11.2005 16:37
See you there!!!!!!!!!!
Dick Turpin
map of the field
04.11.2005 17:08
Dick Turpin