In a stunning move Thames Valley Strategic Health Authority has unveiled plans to privatise the management of Oxfordshire's new PCT. By April 2006 if they are successful there would be one county wide PCT - run by the private sector. It would be a pilot for a national roll out of yet further privatisation.
Plans to privatise services provided by the PCTs by 2008 were announced by the government in July - but in addition this proposal would hand over control of NHS funding to the private sector.
Possible companies who might run the Oxfordshire health system and buy in services include Group4 and United Health Care (a US firm whose new European President was a top Blair advisor). The government would give them the responsibility of maximising patient choice by buying in beds and operations from the private sector which will divert more funds from NHS hospitals and services.
Its anticipated that if the system were privatised there might be an exceptionally sharp round of service cuts as they moved to bring the NHS into profitability.
Less controversially the TVSHA is also to launch proposals for a single Ambulance Trust covering the Isle of Wight, Hampshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. UNISON's policy is for a national ambulance service so at least this is the correct direction of travel.
Proposals can be seen at

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We can do something about this
15.10.2005 18:25
How can we defend
our National Health Service?
Additional public funding for health is being diverted to the private
sector and to the 'marketisation' of the NHS. Up to ¾ of NHS services
could be transferred to private companies in the next few years.
This is causing a crisis in funding for the public National Health
Service. NHS organisations can’t balance their budgets. Community
and hospital services are facing severe cuts.
The meeting will look at issues across Oxfordshire and growing national
opposition to the break up of the NHS.
Saturday 22ndOctober
10.30 to 3pm
Headington Parish Hall
Dunstan Road, Headington, Oxford
Admission free, donations welcome.
Karen Reissmann Community Psychiatric Nurse UNISON
Peter Fisher President NHS Consultants Association &
former consultant Banbury Hospitals
John Lister Information Director London Health Emergency
If you wish to attend please ring 01865 248588 or email
For updates on conference plans see
PFI Alert is a campaigning organisation comprising representatives from Amicus, the British
Medical Association, NHS Consultants' Association, Oxford & Dist TUC, Oxfordshire Pensioners'
Action Group, Royal College of Nursing, Transport and General Workers Union Retired
Members Association and UNISON.