Oxford University, like most higher education institutions, exists in a
world of tight budgets and year-to-year fighting for funds. One of its
most important sources of funding comes from donations from private sector
companies, foundations and individuals.Without these, which actually
account for more money than comes from the government and students, the
university would soon become financially insolvent.
In other words, they are not going to have the money to finish building
their new animal research laboratory, let alone fill it with animals to be
butchered. SPEAK have obtained a list of their funders for 2003, many of
whom are regular donors to the university. We are sure that many of them
will be shocked to find out just what sort of fraudulent scientific
practices are carried out at an institution they have contributed money
Or the sort of scientist employed by Oxford University, such as the
professor who was recently investigated by the police for cruelty, for
allowing a monkey to suffer following an experiment he was conducting.
When a vet demanded the monkey be put down, the high ranking professor
declared it was an "asset" and therefore refused to allow the animal to be
put out of its misery - a misery it should never have been inflicted with
in the first place - the vet had to contact the Home Office to ensure that
the primates suffering was finally ended.
One can only wonder about the other instances of unimaginable cruelty that
are being perpetuated against sentient beings on a day to day basis by
scientists at the university which go unreported.
Funders have a huge amount of influence on a university, so even if they
are not directly contributing to the animal abusing departments, the
threat of withholding their funds in future has it's power. Those other
academics at the university need to be made aware that this issue affects
them as well. No longer can they cannot bury their heads in the sand and
say it has nothing to do with them.
We are demanding they play their role and contact those responsible for
carrying out hideous animal experiments at the university and building the
new lab, it is no longer acceptable and it is time that vivisection was
replaced by real science. They have much more influence and say in the
university than we have, so now its time to exercise it.
If a department wants us to stop contacting its funders, then the solution
is simple - make a public statement against the laboratory.
Below are the contact details for The City of London Solicitors Company,
an organisation which has supported the University to the tune of £50,000
- £100,000 over the last few years. Please contact them and politely
inform them of what type of experiments are going on at the university and
about the professor involved in the recent cruelty case (see website for
details about recent experiments and the professor). Ask them to make a
statement, that they will not be providing funding to the University until
animal abuse at Oxford University are ended.
The City of London Solicitors' Company
4 College Hill
London, EC4R 2RB
Tel: 020 7329 2173
Fax: 020 7329 2190
Email: mail@citysolicitors.org.uk
Neil Cameron, Clerk - nc@citysolicitors.org.uk
Elizabeth Thomas ‹ et@citysolicitors.org.uk
Michael Maunsell ‹ Adminstrator of the City Solicitors Educational Trust
41 Colebrooke Row, London, N1 8AF
Tel: 020 7226 7128; Fax: 020 7226 6532
Email: mmaunsell@aol.com
Board of Management - these people are all leading members for some of the
biggest legal firms in London. Any number marked with a * is their direct
line; otherwise the numbers are for their company's switchboards. If you
are ringing from outside the UK drop the first zero and use the
international dialling code for the UK which is 0440.
David McIntosh, Chairman - dmcintosh@dac.co.uk
Davis Arnold Cooper, 6-8 Bouverie Street, London, EC4Y 8DD
Tel*: 020 7293 4006; Fax: 020 7936 2020
Alastair Collett, President - ajc@farrer.co.uk
Farrer & Co, 66 LincolnÕs Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LH
Tel: 020 7242 2022; Fax: 020 7242 9899
Nigel Bamping, Senior Warden - nbamping@alanbaxter.co.uk
Alan Baxter & Associates, 75 Cowcross Street, London, EC1M 6EL
Tel: 020 7250 1555; Fax: 020 7250 3022
Karen Richardson, Junior Warden - karen_richardson@novar.com
Novar PLC, Novar House, 24 Queens Road, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 9UX
Tel: 01932 850 850; Fax: 01932 823 328
John Abramson - john.abramson@aig.com
Tel: 020 7954 7000; Fax: 020 7954 7001
Mark Andrews - mark.andrews@dentonwildesapte.com
Tel*: 020 7320 6702; Fax*: 020 7246 7722
Andrew Bond - andrew.bond@shepwedd.co.uk
Tel*: 020 7763 3242; Fax: 020 7763 3250
Simon Davis - simon.davis@cliffordchance.com
Tel*: 020 7006 8700; Fax: 020 7006 5555
Martin Day - martin.day@herbertsmith.com
Secretary: Jane Whittingham, Tel: 020 7466 3514, Fax: 020 7374 0888;
Email: jane.whittingham@herbertsmith.com.
Peter Farthing - peter.farthing@clyde.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7623 1244; Fax: +44 (0) 20 7623 5427
Nicholas Hughes - nhughes@blg.co.uk
Tel*: 020 7643 8459; Fax: 020 7071 9000
Vincent Keavney - vincent.keaveny@nortonrose.com
Tel*: 020 7444 3604; Fax: 020 7283 6500
Alexandra Marks - alexandra.marks@linklaters.com
Tel*: 020 7456 4736; Fax: 020 7456 2222
Richard Parker - richard.parker@dla.com
Tel: 020 7796 6212*; Fax: 020 7796 6666
Martin Roberts - martin.roberts@pinsentmasons.com
Tel*: 020 7490 6222; Fax: 020 7606 3305
Stephen Sidkin - slsidkin@foxwilliams.com
Tel*: 020 7614 2505; Fax*: 02 7614 1405
David Speker - dspeker@kingsleynapley.co.uk
Tel*: 020 7814 7122; Fax*: 020 7702 5101
Paul Taylor - Paul.Taylor@blm-law.com
Tel: 020 7638 2811; Fax: 020 7920 0361
Fiona Woolf - fiona.woolf@cmck.com
Tel*:020 7367 2005; Fax: 020 7367 2000
David Wootton - david.wootton@allenovery.com
Tel*: 020 7330 3022. Fax: 020 7330 9999; Mob*: 07785 500 835
Liason officers for the City of London Law Society, essentially a front
for the City of London Solicitors Company. We have more details on these
people - if you want telephone numbers, faxes and addresses to contact
them with polite messages, please get in touch.
Alex Pease - alex.pease@allenovery.com
Christopher Vigrass - chris.vigrass@ashurst.com
Robert C Lane - robert.lane@cmck.com, rcl@cmck.com
Bart Peerless - Bart.Peerless@charlesrussell.co.uk
Daniel Hepburn ‹ daniel.hepburn@cliffordchance.com
Nichola West - nichola.west@dentonwildesapte.com
Stephen Whittaker - s.whittaker@druces.com
M Caryn Mackenzie - caryn.mackenzie@ffw.com
Phillippa J Aldrich - phaldrich@foxwilliams.com
Hugh Crisp - hugh.crisp@freshfields.com
S Neil Seaton - nseaton@jonesday.com
Keith M Brandt - keith.brandt@hammonds.com
David A Willis - david.willis@herbertsmith.com
Kate L Rohde ‹ krohde@kingsleynapley.co.uk
Paul J Anning - paul.anning@lovells.com
Tim D Steele - tim.steele@macfarlanes.com
Peter Richards-Carpenter - prichards-carpenter@mayerbrownrowe.com
Jane Havergal - jhavergal@pe-legal.com
Paul Hale ‹ paul.hale@simmons-simmons.com
Jeff P Morgan - jeff.morgan@shlegal.com
Paul Kay - paul.kay@speechlys.com
Derek Lewis derek.lewis@addleshawgoddard.com
Timothy J R Goode - tim.goode@tcssol.com
Andrew Gregson - andrew.gregson@traverssmith.com
List of all emails in this action alert:
City of London Solicitors Company management:
mail@citysolicitors.org.uk, nc@citysolicitors.org.uk,
et@citysolicitors.org.uk, mmaunsell@aol.com, dmcintosh@dac.co.uk,
ajc@farrer.co.uk, nbamping@alanbaxter.co.uk, karen_richardson@novar.com,
john.abramson@aig.com, mark.andrews@dentonwildesapte.com,
andrew.bond@shepwedd.co.uk, simon.davis@cliffordchance.com,
martin.day@herbertsmith.com, jane.whittingham@herbertsmith.com,
peter.farthing@clyde.co.uk, nhughes@blg.co.uk,
vincent.keaveny@nortonrose.com, alexandra.marks@linklaters.com,
richard.parker@dla.com, martin.roberts@pinsentmasons.com,
slsidkin@foxwilliams.com, dspeker@kingsleynapley.co.uk,
Paul.Taylor@blm-law.com, fiona.woolf@cmck.com,
City of London Law Society Liason Officers
alex.pease@allenovery.com, chris.vigrass@ashurst.com,
robert.lane@cmck.com, rcl@cmck.com, Bart.Peerless@charlesrussell.co.uk,
daniel.hepburn@cliffordchance.com, nichola.west@dentonwildesapte.com,
s.whittaker@druces.com, caryn.mackenzie@ffw.com,
phaldrich@foxwilliams.com, hugh.crisp@freshfields.com,
nseaton@jonesday.com, keith.brandt@hammonds.com,
david.willis@herbertsmith.com, krohde@kingsleynapley.co.uk,
paul.anning@lovells.com, tim.steele@macfarlanes.com,
prichards-carpenter@mayerbrownrowe.com, jhavergal@pe-legal.com,
paul.hale@simmons-simmons.com, jeff.morgan@shlegal.com,
paul.kay@speechlys.com, derek.lewis@addleshawgoddard.com,
tim.goode@tcssol.com, andrew.gregson@traverssmith.com
Nothing in this email should be considered as encouragement to commit any
illegal acts. Speak Campaigns is engaged in legal, polite campaigning
only, and encourages it supporters to do likewise.
For more information visit our website at www.speakcampaigns.org.uk or
email us on info@speakcampaigns.org.uk
To remove yourself from the Speak list, email: speak-request@lists.rbgi.net
with the word 'unsubscribe' as the subject.
Hide the following 7 comments
Don't Target Oxford Benefactors!
04.01.2005 17:53
Animal Lover
Why Target Benefactors?
07.01.2005 08:37
Demonstrations will embarrass the University, but it will carry on as long as there is financial backing and torturing animals is legal. It has been shown time and again that the general public in Oxford don't agree with this lab, and yet their plans continue.
The University will only react to pressure from its sources of funds because of everything the funds are used for, as Animal Lover so eloquently explained. The lab will be used for a very small part of the University's overall work.
Targetting these people should not involve any sort of threat, just explaining what's going on.
please do target the benefactors
07.01.2005 12:09
Oxford lawyers... mmhh should we feel sorry for this bunch and the representatives of the City Solicitors companies (many Oxford grads themselves) which take in some of the biggest and scummest corporate legal companies in the UK. Naw.
When you can point out why this set of donors deserve some sympathy, I might agree with you.
However, if you have a better set of donors worth targeting why not send them along to Speak Campaigns ( info@speakcampaigns.org.uk) as I'm sure they'll be happy to receive it.
Larger consquences
07.01.2005 17:45
1. Make the funders angry, and attract bad press for the animal rights campaign in Oxford.
2. If the funders cut the money, the Uni will be that much more dedicated to building the lab and put the pinch on other subjects like history or politics.
Targeting general funders doesn't make sense; at best it will have limited effect and at worst it will be counterproductive. You may feel like this is your best option given the way the Uni and its allies have persecuted the animal rights groups in Oxford, but you are all creative people and i think you can find a better and more creative outlet for your energies.
Lobby everyone donating money...
08.01.2005 10:55
Others funding the University in general are much less likely to want to be associated with what is going on with the new lab. Giving them all the information about what will happen in the new lab, and what alternatives there are, means they are more likely to put pressure on the University. If funding for different parts of the University is under threat, this will make more academics who currently sidestep the issue as not relevant to them express an opinion. At the moment they just sit on the fence.
This lobbying is the only way now of stopping the lab being built.
stop the lab
11.01.2005 11:59
animal lover 2
Everyone is game ...
15.01.2005 20:10
You don't have to be an 'animal lover' to oppose the ways of the state, just value the liberty of animals that should have been granted to them from birth before shithead humanoids took that liberty away in their crazed panic and isolation on this planet.
Free them all! Free all of us!