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Sea Green Singers at UNISON Fair
The Sea Green Singers were formed two years ago, as a spin-off from a WEA course entitled ‘Songs that changed the world’. Under their musical director, Sarah Westcott, they now constitute the ‘musical wing’ of the Oxford Levellers and have taken part for several years running in the Levellers’ Day commemorative events in Burford. Although the group, totalling more than twenty members in all, regards having fun as its priority, most of them are also heavily committed to action for peace and social justice. It is not surprising, therefore, that as their expertise and repertoire grow there is an increasing demand for their services from like-minded organisations. They will be appearing at the CND Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 29 November.
If you would be interested in joining the group, please contact Sid Phelps: s.phelps@virgin.net
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for those interested in joining
26.11.2003 22:15
Alfred St (off High St, opposite Turl St). Once in a while
we might take a week off for various reasons though so it
wouldn't hurt to email and check :)
PS We don't always wear the silly waistcoats either! ;P
another singer