Dear Micheal Moore
As a fan of your films and fellow lefty traveller from accross the atlantic I thought I better send you a friendly note of concern at your rescent support for Wesley Clarke's canditure for the democratic nomination. You see not being American I can't speak for his stand on domestic issues but I can tell you that the one thing I remember him for is wanting to take an air field in Prestina that the Russian's had decided to occupy at the end of the war over Kosovo. Luckily some other general, a British one as it happens, decided to disobey his order and thus world war three (or something approaching) was overted, but I can't help feeling that someone who has shown himself that keen on the idea of launching us all towards a nuclear winter is perhaps not the best person to take over the running of America right now. Hey here's an idea, I know its sounds crazy but I think it might just work -why not get a president elected whose instincts tell him something other than to start wars and kill people. Apart from anything else it would make such a change,
Yours, Kieran.
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clarke: cuckoo land
17.09.2003 15:41
and, um, wasn't wes clarke the chap who ordered american tanks to fill in iraqi trenches, after the ceasefire at the end of gulf war 1, thus killing possibly hundreds of surrendered personnel after hostilities had ended?
if i'm wrong on that last thing, who was it?
Reply to previous comment
18.09.2003 14:02
GW veteran
19.09.2003 15:47
As far as I know, Gen Clarke was not even in theatre, but in any case the CINC holds ultimate responsibility, and that was Gen Schwarzkopf.
I don't doubt the trenches were filled in after prisoners were collected and the shooting stopped. They were so desparate to give up some surrendered to an UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) that had crashed landed...
Clarke Was a Clinton Lap Dog
26.09.2003 00:01
I was a soldier for twenty Years starting in 1981 and retiring in 2001. Clarke and others like him would never speak the truth about how bad we were stretched. No for him and others like him it was, give us more and we'll do it. The only reason was to advance themselves. They did not think of the Welfare of the Troops, so we suffered badly. But Clarke didn't let his wife suffer. She flew in his aircraft on pleasure trips and took his vehicle out for pleasure. This was documented in I believe the Army Times but I have not yet been able to find an archive copy.
I pray we don't get him. but the mainstream American public is STUPID and would vote for someone just because the media paints him to be someone he is not.
fuck off nonamericans
08.02.2004 04:25
i don't
dude, just stop being so judgemental of us americans...most of us didn't agree to the war(s) . but we can't stop it...we can only protest and shit.
so fuck you britians and your fucking tony blair starting war w/fucking dumbass Wbushy. assholes :)
ok, i got my bitching out...peace and love to the world :)
Retired General Wesley Clarke
18.03.2004 13:32
Anyway, peace from up North and hopefully you have a democratic president with in a years time. Any of them are better than Bush, heck I'd rather have Rev. Al Sharpten or Dennis K. as president, and that says a lot.
Bryce Wren